Gumusluk Sanat köyü

Ut magnam est molestias nisi., Kültürel

They came to us with the desire to create an art village where they could create and exhibit...

Kategori Ut magnam est molestias nisi., Kültürel
Yıl 2019



Konsept Proje


Şefik Karakoç, Erdinç Çoksever, Deniz Dabancı

The areas were grouped as follows according to the programs we wanted to take place in the village

· Academy: Visual arts village, sculpture village, philosophy and literature village, performing arts village and science village, as well as artist accommodation areas

· Multi-purpose areas: Multi-purpose halls that cater to different functions

· Garden: Organic agricultural areas that can feed the restaurants in the lower promenade

·      Amphitheatre

· Restaurants

· Sales Areas: Bazaars and market areas where agricultural products and craft products can be sold.

An entrance area welcomes visitors who reach the art village from the main road at the upper level. As they move towards the lower level, they reach the bazaar, square and market. In addition to the structures such as cafes and clubs that feed the square, the bazaar and market units highlight the social texture of the art village. The academy, which we have included extensively within the art village, is divided into villages according to different branches of science and art. The towers positioned within each village not only determine the location of the villages, but also offer visitors the opportunity to experience the unique nature and view of Gümüşlük.

The artist cabins located in each village were designed as spaces that different artists can use at different times, where they can both produce and exhibit their works. Our aim to preserve the topography of the land required meticulous work in the construction technique of these cabins. The main structure was created by covering the light wooden frame formed on the beams passing over the point foundations. The elevation difference on the land allowed the determination of working and exhibition areas. Work and exhibition spaces were created for artists on the terraces at the back of the cabins, offering visitors the opportunity to experience art production.

The cyclical approach of the art village was emphasized by highlighting the regenerative agriculture in the village with the garden area created to support the restaurants on the seaside promenade. The pedestrian paths within the village were designed as compressed dirt paths without using any pavement in order not to disrupt the natural texture. At the same time, the importance given to art education was highlighted by positioning open/covered common areas for multiple studies, as well as lecture hall units where different courses can be taught at the same time.

The Gümüşlük Art Village project emphasizes the sustainability of nature in a unique nature, allowing art to be adopted by large communities, and offers an inclusive platform where artists can freely emphasize their creativity.

He came to us with the desire to create an art village where they could perform and exhibit.

Our basic approach was to build a village without excavation or disturbing the entire topography, with minimum touching of the soil, and to make it an extension of the city by creating a living center that can be used at all times, not only by artists but also by the people of Bodrum, with different functions to be added.

Since the land has a level difference of approximately 50 meters, starting from the highway on the upper side and going down to the beach on the lower side, these two facades were connected with a strong axis without disturbing the topography. While one side of the axis was reserved for the art academy and accommodation related to the academy, the other side included multi-purpose areas, gardening areas and an amphitheater. Thus, a structure that blends rural and urban texture was created, with crafts, exhibition venues, event areas, organic agriculture, market place and bazaar functions as well as art.

The areas designated for the programs to be included in the village are grouped as follows: · Academy: Visual arts village, sculpture village,

 philosophy and literature village, performing arts village, and the science village, along with artist accommodation areas. · Multipurpose areas: Multipurpose halls catering to various functions. · Garden: Organic farming areas that can supply the restaurants located on the lower promenade. · Amphitheater · Restaurants · Sales Areas: Marketplaces and bazaar areas for selling agricultural products and craft items. 

When visitors arrive at the art village from the main road on the upper level, they are first greeted by a parking lot and drop-off area. As visitors proceed along the central axis, they reach the marketplace, square, and bazaar. The cafes, clubs, and other structures that feed the square, along with the marketplace and bazaar units, emphasize the social fabric of the art village. Within the art village, the academies dedicated to various fields of science and art are

 prominently featured. The towers placed within each village not only determine the location of the villages but also offer visitors the opportunity to experience the nature and scenery of the area. The artist cabins located in each village are designed as spaces where different artists can use at different times, allowing them to both create and

 showcase their work. The fact that the land is a conservation area and the significant slope of the land required careful construction techniques for these cabins. The tops of the point-supported beam foundations were first constructed, creating the primary structure using lightweight wooden frames and wooden floors. The continuing elevation advantage allowed for the creation of exhibition spaces. Terraces at the back of the cabins were transformed into work and exhibition areas for the artists, providing visitors with the opportunity to experience art

 production. To support the restaurants along the beach promenade, a garden area was created, emphasizing regenerative agriculture within the village's cyclical approach. The pedestrian paths within the village were designed as compacted earth paths without any coverings to preserve the natural texture. At the same time, open/closed,

 shared spaces for collaborative work, as well as amphitheater units suitable for simultaneous different classes, were placed, highlighting the importance of art education. The Gümüşlük Art Village project, set within a unique natural environment, emphasizes the sustainability of nature, providing an opportunity for art to be embraced by wide communities and offering an inclusive platform for artists to freely showcase their creativity.




Arazinin üst sınırındaki karayoluyla alt sınırındaki sahil bandı arasında yaklaşık 50 metrelik bir kot farkı bulunmakta. Bu iki uç mevcut eğime göre en uygun yerden bağlanarak güçlü bir aks oluşturuldu. Araziyi ikiye bölen bu aksın bir tarafı sanat akademisi ve akademiye ilişkin konaklamaya ayrılırken, diğer tarafında çok amaçlı alanlar, bahçecilik alanları ve amfi tiyatroya yer verildi. Böylece, sanatın yanı sıra zanaat, sergi mekanları, etkinlik alanları, organik tarım, pazar yeri ve çarşı fonksiyonlarıyla birlikte, kırsal ve kent dokusunu harmanlayan bir yapı oluşturuldu.

Sanat köyüne üst kottaki ana yoldan ulaşan ziyaretçileri bir giriş alanı karşılıyor. Alt kota doğru ilerledikçe çarşı, meydan ve pazara ulaşıyorlar. Meydanı besleyen cafe, kulüp gibi yapıların yanı sıra çarşı ve pazar üniteleri, sanat köyünün sosyal dokusunu ön plana çıkarıyor. Sanat köyü içerisinde geniş yer verdiğimiz akademi, farklı bilim ve sanat dallarına göre köylere ayrılıyor. Her bir köy içine konumlandırılan kuleler, köylerin yerinin belirlenmesinin yanı sıra, ziyaretçilere Gümüşlük’ün eşsiz doğasını ve manzarasını deneyimleme fırsatı sunuyor.

Her bir köyde yer alan sanatçı kabinleri, farklı sanatçıların farklı zamanlarda kullanabilecekleri, hem üretim yapıp hem de işlerini sergileyebilecekleri alanlar olarak tasarlandı. Arazinin topografyasını korumayı amaçlamamız, bu kabinlerin yapım tekniğinde titizlikle çalışmayı gerektirdi. Noktasal temellerin üzerinden geçen kirişlerin üstünde oluşturulan hafif ahşap karkas kaplanarak ana yapı oluşturuldu. Arazideki kot farkı, çalışma ve sergileme alanlarının belirlenmesine olanak sağladı. Kabinlerin arka tarafındaki teraslarda sanatçılar için iş ve sergi alanları oluşturularak ziyaretçilere sanat üretimini deneyimleme fırsatı sunuldu.

Sahil promenadında bulunan restoranları desteklemek için oluşturulan bahçe alanı ile köydeki rejeneratif tarımı ön plana çıkarılarak sanat köyünün döngüsel yaklaşımı vurgulanmak istendi. Köy içerisinde yer alan yaya yolları, doğal dokuyu bozmamak için herhangi bir kaplama kullanılmadan sıkıştırılmış toprak yollar olarak kurgulandı. Aynı zamanda, üstü açık / kapalı, çoklu çalışmaya yönelik ortak alanların yanı sıra, aynı anda farklı derslerin işlenebileceği amfi birimleri konumlandırılarak sanat eğitimine verilen önem ön plana çıkarıldı.

Gümüşlük Sanat Köyü projesi, benzersiz bir doğa içerisinde, doğanın sürdürülebilirliğini vurgulayarak sanatın geniş topluluklar tarafından benimsenmesine imkan sağlıyor ve sanatçıların yaratıcılıklarını özgürce vurgulayabilecekleri kapsayıcı bir platform sunuyor.